of Maryland at College Park
Park, Maryland
Groups: A Method of Evaluation To Increase
of Female Engineering Students
K. Johnson, Julie L. Goldberg, and William E. Sedlacek
Report #14-95
focus group initiative was funded by ECSEL and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
the A. James Clark School of Engineering, the University of Maryland, College
of Maryland at College Park
Park, Maryland
Groups: A Method of Evaluation To Increase
of Female Engineering Students
K.. Johnson, Julie L. Goldberg, and William E. Sedlacek
Report # 14-95
The purpose of this article is to describe the use of
focus groups as a method of evaluating programs designed to retain women in
engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. The programs were
funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and ECSEL (Engineering Coalition of
Schools for Excellence in Education and Leaderships) within the A. James Clark
School of Engineering. It was determined that having a conversation with the
undergraduate female engineering students, directly, was the most effective way
in creating rich data that provides a perspective for understanding what it
means to be a female engineering student. Furthermore, the focus group model
extends beyond the research goals by fostering community among female
engineering students.
Overall, the results of the focus group process proved to
be highly beneficial for the female participants. Being able to give feedback
regarding their experience as a research fellow and a women in engineering was
very important. Meeting the other women, talking about experiences, sharing the
same stress and challenges, being able to hear what other females feel through
expressing their own opinions in a supportive atmosphere, were all comments
given regarding the focus group process. Such information allows
administrators, staff, and faculty to devise the most effective and supportive
programs for women in engineering as well as cultivate connections and feelings
of support among student within the engineering environment,. Both outcomes of
the focus group method contribute to increased retention.
due to changes specific to science, and to what extent do
they reflect demographic or general social shifts? Barber (1995) addresses this
question by looking at the number of bachelor's degrees awarded in all
disciplines between 1960 and 1990. "Comparison of the numbers of women and
men shows that throughout this period women were swelling the ranks of college
students in all disciplines, not just science and engineering" (p.219).
Although it is shown that women students are increasing in numbers throughout
this period, female engineering and science students are not increasing at the
same rate as women in other disciplines.
Women are changing their minds about science and
engineering during their coursework. Barber (1995) suggests that women who
choose to leave are choosing instead careers that allow them to preserve their
identities. The cultural environment within these traditional male arenas is
often one in which women do not feel comfortable. If the culture of science and
engineering was transformed and broadened to be more inclusive of women and
minorities, a more diverse, comfortable environment would be created, allowing
further progress toward equity. Part of the process of cultural transformation
is support. If women learn to strongly support one another, they will find ways
to free themselves of existing constraints. Feeling supported is important for
students to meet the challenges necessary towards graduation.
Models of Student Retention
In developing programs to retain women in engineering it
is helpful to draw from and be guided by theorists in the area of student
retention. As a theoretical foundation for student retention, Astin (1985)
contends that students "learn by becoming involved" (Pascarella &
Terenzini, 1991, p. 50). The principles of the theory are
based on the notion that involvement is achieved when students invest both
psychological and physical energy into their tasks and activities. The amount
of learning or development that occurs within these tasks is "directly
proportional to the quality and quantity of involvement" (Pascarella &
Terenzini, 1991, p. 50). Finally, the educational policies, services, and
programs can directly foster or hinder students involvement. Astin's insights
provide further understanding as to why female students leave engineering. If
students do not feel connected and involved within their environment, it is
likely that they will not be retained.
In turning to
more explicit models, Tinto (1987) focused on the concept of integration.
Depending on how integrated the students feel in their community will determine
how likely the students persist through the program. Pascarella & Terenzini
(1991) define "integration" as the "extent to which the
individual shares the normative attitudes and values of peers and faculty in
the institution and abides by the formal and informal structural requirements
for membership in that community or in the subgroups of which the individual is
a part" (p.53). Tinto contends that the level of integration is fostered
by positive and gratifying experiences within the community. If encounters with
the university, the informal and formal academic and social systems, are
positive, students will become more integrated within those systems, thus
leading to student retention. If those encounters are negative, integration is
reduced, thus distancing the individual from academic and social communities of
the institution. Therefore, negative encounters lead to marginalization which
will ultimately result in student withdrawal. Hence, women engineering students
need to experience a level of integration in their communities (classroom,
societies, labs, study groups) as well as have positive
interactions with faculty and administrators within the school of engineering.
Sedlacek (1993) reinforced the concepts of integration and
involvement through the acknowledgment that nontraditional students need
availability of a strong support person as well as opportunities for
involvement within a community. As defined by Sedlacek (1991)
"Nontraditional students include women, cultural/racial minorities,
international students, older students, and so on. Thus, nontraditional
students are those other than white, upper-middle class males, the group
for whom most of our higher education system has been designed" (p. 75).
Nontraditional students can be more effectively supported and retained when
considering all variables that affect students lives, including noncognitive
variables. Sedlacek (1993) described noncognitive variables as the following:
"Positive Self-Concept or Confidence; Realistic Self Appraisal;
Understanding and Deals with Racism; Prefers Long-Range Goals to Short-Term
or immediate needs; An Availability of Strong Support Person; Successful
Leadership Experience; Demonstrated community Service; and Knowledge Acquired
in a Field" (p.34). All of these variables are important for the retention
of nontraditional students. Availability of a Strong Support Person is
extremely important for women in traditionally male-dominated careers.
Receiving support from one or more specific individuals will provide
encouragement and resources for female students in engineering. Another
variable that is particularly important for female students in engineering is
Demonstrated Community Service. Women value long-term relationships in a
community and in having the opportunity to contribute actively within their
community. The consideration of noncognitive variables provides a means to more
effectively address the needs of women within engineering.
Michel (1987) states that in most countries there is only
a small percentage of women in engineering and technological occupations. In
fact, engineering at the higher education level, has the lowest proportion of
women students compared with other fields of study. "Female students
withdraw from engineering courses before graduation in greater numbers than
from other courses of study" (p. 71). As professionals working towards the
retention of women in engineering, we are compelled to ask, why are our female
students leaving engineering?
Barber (1995) cites a number of studies that discuss the
legislation created to dismantle sex discrimination (the Civil Rights Act and
Title IX). The studies revealed that these legislative efforts did not produce
the hoped for equal-opportunity classroom (Hall & Sandler, 1982;
Sadker & Sadker, 1994; Wellesley College Center for Research on Women,
1993). Efforts in the areas of increased mentorship, curriculum revision,
enrichment programs, and career workshops have been created to address the
"chilly climate" for women. Although there has been some improvement
in female retention in the last thirty years, Barber (1995) raised the question
of whether it is due to the increased interest in engineering by women or
merely a reflection of the overall increase of women entering higher education.
Barber (1995) indicates that there is no question that the
number of women in science and engineering has increased over the last three
decades. "In 1960 women received 19,362 bachelor's degrees and 381
doctorates in these disciplines; by 1990 the numbers had risen to 123,793
bachelor's degrees and 6,274 doctorates" (p.216). To what extent are these
Female Identity Development
The emerging literature on women's development has offered
a new understanding of the centrality of connection in college women's
development (Gilligan, 1982; Jordan, Kaplan, Miller, Stiver, & Surrey,
1991; Miller, 1986). Cook (1993) in discussing Miller's (1986) notions of
women's development states "Women experience a sense of empowerment or
`zest' that derives from relational connection and provides energy to act in
the world" (Cook, 1993, p. 17). In Carol Gilligan's (1982) book, In a Different
Voice, she further supports Miller's ideas of the female relational
connection. In conducting extensive interviews with men and women Gilligan
discovered that women make moral decisions from the voice of connection and
Male and female voices typically have spoken of the
importance of different truths, the male voice speaks of the role of separation
in development as it comes to define and empower the self, and the female
voices speak of the ongoing process of attachment that creates and sustains the
human community (Hotelling & Forrest, 1985, p. 64).
The work of Gilligan (1982) is further supported by the
research conducted at the Stone Center for Developmental Studies at Wellesley
College. From clinical work with women, Jordan et al., (1991) state,
"...for women at all life stages, relational needs are primary and
healthy, and dynamic relationships are the motivating force that propels
psychological growth" (p.37). They
explain further that women's self-esteem and sense
of self worth is directly related to the extent that empathy and mutual
empowerment is developed within their relationships. Finally, self-in-relation
theory defines the deepening capacity for relationship and relational
competence as the basic goal for development. The theory presented here can
serve to inform administrators, staff, and faculty of the importance of
providing contexts for the development of relationships and community amongst
the women students in engineering.
Focus Groups: The Method
The focus group, qualitative method has been used as an
evaluation tool to further understand the female engineering experience for the
programs funded under two major grants received by the School of Engineering at
the University of Maryland, College Park. In 1994 The Alfred P. Sloan
Foundation awarded Maryland a five year grant to implement a Women in
Engineering Program. An over-riding goal of the program is to increase
the recruitment and retention of women in engineering. The University of
Maryland is also part of a coalition of schools funded under the grant ECSEL
(Engineering Coalition of Schools for Excellence in Education and Leadership).
One of the major goals of ECSEL is to attract and retain greater numbers of
ethnic minority and women students to the field of engineering.
Focus groups were utilized as a means of evaluating the
programs funded by the Sloan Foundation and ECSEL. Having a conversation with
the women, directly, was determined to be the most effective way in creating rich
data that provides a window of understanding into what it means to be a female
engineering student. Bers (1989) most simply and concisely defined a
focus group to be "a small (6-12 member),
relatively homogeneous group that meets with a trained moderator who
facilitates a 90-120 minute discussion in a nonthreatening, relaxed
environment about a selected topic. The goal of a focus group is to elicit
participants' perceptions, feelings, attitudes, and ideas" (p. 261). Focus
groups do not generate quantitative data, information, or numbers that can be
projected to a larger population. Generally, focus groups are a self-contained
means of collecting data. They can also be combined with other methods such as
survey instruments or questionnaires, or used as a follow-up method to
generate a more thorough understanding of the phenomenon under study.
Design and General Considerations:
Generally speaking, designing the focus group study
requires careful thought and reflection. Objectives need to be set up and
discussion guidelines formulated. The purpose needs to be established, and a
plan should be developed to determine how long the sessions will last and how
many sessions are necessary to accomplish the goals of the focus group. The
time and location are important factors that will aid in creating a space for
openness and comfort. The questions prepared should be open-ended, clear,
and presented in a context. It is important to identify participants and
consider the characteristics of the individuals targeted for the sessions in
order to best meet their needs.
The facilitator or moderator of the focus group needs to
determine a level of involvement with the process. Depending on the group make-up
and conditions of the environment, the moderator may need to be directive or
nondirective. Kaase and Harshbarger (1993) provide an example of an effective
moderator approach:
A successful group moderator will set the session's tone,
encourage participation, probe people's feelings, attitudes, or behavior, and be
a good listener. The moderator should guide participants through the discussion
being careful to summarize group consensus. Additionally, the moderator should
not show any bias through approving or disapproving body language or comments.
Typically, a counselor or similarly trained person on a college campus serves
this role well. Since the point of the focus group is to obtain perceptions,
feelings, attitudes, and ideas, the moderator should ask open-ended and
discussion-provoking questions (p. 286).
As already mentioned, it is important to consider the
environment in which the focus group is conducted. This includes the seating
and the establishment of comfort in order to create a strong level of intimacy
among the participants and the moderator. Confidentiality needs to be stressed,
especially when the sessions are tape recorded. Tape recording is recommended
in order to obtain all of the nuances of the discussion, and also so that
transcripts can be made and analyzed later. It is also important for the
moderator to be nonevaluative and nonthreatening during the session in order
for the participants to feel comfortable to share their thoughts and feelings.
Focus Group: A Link To Retention
The retention models presented indicate that women will
remain in engineering if they are experiencing a significant level of
psychological and physical involvement (Astin, 1985), are integrated in various
communities (Tinto, 1975, 1987), and receive adequate support and have
opportunities for long-term community involvement (Sedlacek, 1993). These
models, along with the women's developmental theories (Gilligan, 1982; Jordan
et al., 1991) emphasize the important role that connection, community and
relationships play in the retention of women. The focus group model can be used
as a means of increasing the level of student involvement and integration.
The Focus Group Evaluation: Student Voices
In order to assess the impact and significance of the
focus group on the female engineering students, the Women in Engineering
Research Fellows were asked whether they believed the focus groups were a
valuable experience. All (100%) responded that they were valuable. One fellow
explained, "It gave me a chance to meet other fellows so I didn't feel as
isolated in my experience." Another student commented, "It encouraged
me to continue on with my research."
Overall, being able to give feedback regarding their
experience as a research fellow and as a woman in engineering was very
important. Meeting the other women, talking about experiences, sharing the same
stress and challenges, being able to hear what other females feel through
expressing their own opinions in a supportive atmosphere, were all comments
given to show their appreciation for the focus group process. Hearing other's
problems and challenges helped them in solving their own dilemmas with less
frustration. The women commented on
how rewarding it was to see that through the focus group
discussions, they were able to express their opinions and then eventually see
changes in the program.
Focus Groups As a Means of Increasing Student Involvement
As illustrated above the focus group process taps into the
essence of student experiences. Within each of the students' stories there is a
rich array of thoughts, perceptions, and feelings that can serve as valuable
insights into how the program can be enhanced. By listening to women students,
their voices can be woven into the foundations of the program; their
recommendations and suggestions can be used to make changes or additions to the
existing program. Not only does this process help to tailor the program to fit
the specific needs of the students, it also allows the students to become
actively engaged in the development of the program. Whether the students' suggestions
are feasible for implementation or not, the basic act of listening communicates
to them that their ideas and participation is important. Ultimately, this
process plays a powerful role in inviting students to become involved in the
culture of engineering. For example, in one of the Research Fellows focus
groups, after exploring some of the ways the program could be changed, one
student stated that she felt like a "mother" of the Research Fellows
Program. Her metaphor eludes to the fact that she has taken part in the
creation and development of the program. She has become part of the generation
of women shaping the world of engineering for the next.
Focus Groups As a Means of Community
Implementing a series of focus groups for program
evaluation serves as an important link to increasing the retention of women
students in engineering. Students begin to feel a sense of belonging to the
program, their department, and ultimately, to the world of engineering. For the
Research Fellows, the focus group was a forum for women from various
disciplines to meet and to exchange thoughts and ideas about their experiences
of conducting research. From this discussion, students were able to provide
suggestions for one another on how to communicate with professors, find
resources for assistance, and manage the multiple roles of school and research.
In addition, students had an opportunity to meet other women and develop a
sense of community. Connecting with each other and sharing experiences builds
support and a sense of belonging within the traditional engineering
environment. Feelings of belonging will encourage the female engineering
student to persist in a field that has not always felt welcoming. The focus
group process provided information to continue to develop and shape programs
and services for female engineers. The focus groups themselves, contributed to
building community amongst the women, thus serving as a link to increased
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