Nonreactive 1
Rose M. Abler and William E.
Research Report #5-86
Nonreactive 2
Rose M. Abler and
William E. Sedlacek
Research Report #5‑86
Relying exclusively on
questionnaire and interview data can cause the student affairs researcher to overlook
nonreactive methodology: unobtrusive methods of collecting data in which
participant reaction to the process of data collection does not
interfere with the response. Such methods of data collection have been used in
other fields, and the student affairs professional can improve research
techniques and implement a multi‑method assessment strategy by
incorporating nonreactive methods into current research programs. Examples in
which nonreactive methodology has been used in student affairs research are
discussed'; and practical steps are presented to help in beginning a program of
nonreactive research.
Nonreactive 3
Nonreactive Measures in Student Affairs Research
student affairs professionals encounter difficulties in conducting research,
such as lack of time, funding, or confidence, which can lead them to avoid
research efforts altogether (Brown. 1986; Hood, Karr, Riggers & Elliott,
19$6). However, "if we are to survive through the next century. . . it is
imperative that we support research and evaluation that examines our services and
programs and what impact they have on students" (Brown, p. 195).
Methodology can pose particular problems. Those beginning a research effort may
find that the first data collection methods which come to mind involve questionnaires
or interviews. Certain inherent difficulties with these methods are obvious,
such as the time consuming nature of constructing and scoring questionnaires
and/or conducting interviews, or the expense involved in printing costs and
problem with interview and questionnaire methods that is often overlooked has
been noted by Webb, Campbell, Schwartz, Sechrest, and Grove (1981). They
describe such methods as "reactive" because when these methods are
used, the participant's reaction to the process influences his or her
responses. This is a serious problem because when people know that they're
being observed or that their responses are being counted it some way, they do not
always respond accurately or honestly. An example relevant
Nonreactive 4
to student affairs work
might be one in which researchers are interested in examining the degree of
racial discrimination present in a college sports program. To answer their
questions, they interview coaches and athletes about the alleged problem and
administer various racial attitude questionnaires. However, given the demand
characteristics of the situation (coaches ‑ the desire for their programs
to appear in a positive light; athletes ‑ the pressure not to jeopardize
their athletic careers.), the racial problems are minimized, and, receiving these
results, the administration continues current policies when more accurate
information would have suggested charges.
Nonrereactive Methodology
response to such a problem, student affairs professionals can employ nonreactive
methodology: unobtrusive methods of
collecting data that do not interfere with the response itself (Webb et al., 1981
) . In the previous example of racial discrimination in a college athletic
program, one simple nonreactive approach might be to use team records try
review the racial make‑up of past teams. Do any patterns emerge with
respect to what positions are played by minorities? Have minority players ever
consistently assumed leadership roles such as quarterback? (See McGehee & Paul,
1984). This method involves minimal effort and is nonreactive.
Nonreactive 5
this point, the reader may be struck by the obvious nature of the nonreactive
method just described. It is not a difficult approach; most people collect
information nonreactively every day, but are simply not aware that they are accumulating
potentially useful information.
Examples in Student Affairs
In the
past, student affairs professionals have occasionally employed nonreactive
methodology, resulting in innovative research resigns. To assess the success of
an assertiveness training program, McFall and Marston (1970) posed as magazine
salespersons and telephoned former program participants in order to
unobtrusively analyze their assertiveness. In a nonreactive approach to questions
about police bias in monitoring traffic violations? Heussenstamm (1971) had
student research associates with unblemished driving records put Black Panther
bumper stickers on their cars. Results indicated that this group received more
traffic tickets than did a control group, supporting the hypothesis that the
police discriminated against this group when issuing traffic citations. In
order to identify a noncognitive predictor of student Success (other than, for
example, SAT scores) Sedlacek, Bailey and Stovall (1984) analyzed types of
errors made by prospective students in completing freshman orientation
applications. Those who followed directions were
Nonreactive 6
more likely to stay in
school. In a symposium presented at the University of Maryland, several
additional ideas were presented and discussed (Abler, Bandalos Boyer Sedlacek,
Sergent, Thomas & Thompson, 1986. Observers went to target locations in the
student union to count the number of students present during random time slots.
Frequencies of handouts taken from a commuter affairs office were used to
determine program needs. Conference presentations were evaluated by observing
audience seating patterns and participation rates. In a discussion of
implications for future research on counseling center retention programs, Weiss
and Gidden (1986) report on recent nonreactive studies which use archival data
to assess the relationship between counseling center programs and student
Nonreactives Studies
the variety of nonreactive research being conducted, attempts have been made to
create a classification system of nonreactive methodology. Webb, Campbell, Schwartz
and Sechrest (1966) used the categories of physical traces (such as the
errors left on orientation applications used by Sedlacek, Bailey and Stovall,
1984), archives (such as the team records used by McGehee and Paul,
1984) and observation (such as the student union and audience seating
observations described above) to describe the various types of nonreactive
data. Sechrest and Phillips (1979) note that this system was
Nonreactive 7
"ad hoc and soley
for the sake of convenience in writing ...not carefully thought out as a
conceptual framework" (p. 9). In an alternative approach, they proposed a
matrix as a step toward a taxonomy of nonreactive methodology. One axis of the
matrix consists of a list of possible
purposes of assessment (for example, to determine interest, category
membership, or affective state); the other axis consists of nonreactive
characteristics of the responses to be observed (such as frequency or magnitude).
The first axis is used to categorize the research question. The second axis
provides a variety of ways to operationalize the research question using
nonreactive data. Table 1 illustrates an application of this matrix using a
student affairs example.
Insert Table 1 about here
Advantages and Disadvantages
with any research methodology, advantages and disadvantages exist for the
student affairs researcher employing nonreactive techniques. Advantages, as
previously discussed, include the low cost and less extensive efforts required
and, most important, that participant reactions to the data collection
procedures cannot bias their responses. Ethical considerations bring up a
potential disadvantage in
Nonreactive 8
nonreactive research:
is privacy and the right to informed consent violated when participants are not
aware of the data collection procedures? Such questions can only be answered on
an individual basis, the circumstances involved in each research enterprise
being unique. Another potential disadvantage is that there is no guarantee that
the data which the researcher has nonreactively collected actually represent
the construct of interest. The solution to such a problem leads to the
conclusion drawn by Webb et al. (1981): namely, that nonreactive methods are
not meant to replace the traditional questionnaires and interviews but rather
to supplement and cross‑validate them. In this way, a multi-method
research program as advocated by Campbell and Fiske (1959) can be implemented.
Steps Doing
Nonreactive Research
bring up the idea of nonreactive research at a staff meeting. Review your
current data collection procedures and then brainstorm as to how to
nonreactively collect the information you need. Second, when planning
programs, ask yourself the question, "How can I tell how well I'm doing
without asking the recipients of this service?" Whatever nonreactive
procedures you implement can be cross-validated against the paper‑and‑pencil
evaluation forms normally used. Third, use the "critical
incident" technique (Flannagan, 1954) in your daily work and think
Nonreactive 9
in order to develop
ideas. In this approach, direct observations of human behavior (critical
incidents) are used as a springboard for solving practical problems. The
incident may be an outstandingly positive or negative example of the issue to
be studied. For example, the Sedlacek et al. (1984) study of application errors
and student success developed out of a critical incident: an obviously lost
student wandered into a staff meeting (the critical incident) which began a
staff discussion of how to better predict successful students and eventually
led to the nonreactive study then conducted. Student affairs professionals who
take steps such as those described above and employ nonreactive techniques may find
this methodology a useful addition to their work.
Nonreactive 10
R., Bandalos, D., Boyer, S., Sedlacek, W., Sergent, M., Thomas. T. &
Thompson C. (1986) . Nonreactive measures
in student affairs research. Symposium conducted at the University of Maryland Student Affairs Conference, College
Park, Maryland.
R. (1986). Research: A frill or an obligation? Journal of College Student
Personnel, 27, 195.
D. & Fiske, D. (1959). Convergent and discriminant validation by the multi‑trait,
multi‑method matrix. Psychological Bulletin, 56, 81‑105.
J. (1954). The critical incident technique. Psychological Bulletin, 51, 327-358.
F. (1971). Bumperstickers and the cops. Transaction, 8, 32‑33.
A., Kerr, B., Biggers, D. & Elliott J. (1986). Paper presented at the
American College Personnel Association Convention, hew Orleans, Louisiana.
R. & Marston, A. (1970). An experimental investigation of behavior
rehearsal in assertive
Journal of Abnormal Psychology,
76, 295‑303.
R., & Paul, M. (1984). Racial make-up of central, stacking and oither
playing positions in Southeastern Conference on Sport and Society, Clemson
University, Clemson, South Carolina.
L. & Phillips, M. (1979). Unobtrusive measures, an overview. In L. Sechrest
(Ed.), Unobtrusive measurement today (pp.1-17). San Francisco: Jossey
W., Bailey, B. & Stovall, C. (1984). Following directions: An unobtrusive
measure of student success. Journal of College Student Personell, 25, 556.
E., Campbell, D. Schwartz, R. & Sechrest, L. (1966). Unobtrusive
measures: noreactive research in the social sciences. Boston: Houghton
S. & Gidden, N. (1986). Applications of cost effectiveness to counseling
center retention programs. Journal of College Student Personnel, 27, 260-268.
Noncognitive 12
a Student Affairs Example to Sechrest & Phillips’ (1979)
Illustrative Matrix for a Generative Taxonomy of Nonreactive Measures
Question: Are University students interested in additional campus computer
Purposes of Assessment
Frequency of Response
Magnitude of Vigor of Response
Choice Response
Guilty Knowledge Response
Biased Response
Interest or Involvement
# complaints received at chancellor's
length of time the complaints &
letters have been occurring
# students willing to increase their
activity fee to pay for new facilities
whether students have studied the exact
costs of extra terminals
whether students over-estimate the number
of people who can't find available terminals to complete their work
# letters to editor about problem
extremeness of language in letters
# people waiting to use terminals on any
given day
Affective State
Category Membership