1.  POSITIVE SELF-CONCEPT	Feels confident of making it through	Can express reason(s) why he/she

      OR CONFIDENCE		graduation.  Makes positive		might have to leave school.  Not

				statements about him/herself.		sure he/she has ability to make

				Expects to do well in academic		it.  Feels other students are 

				and non-academic areas. Assumes		better than he/she is.  Expects 

				he/she can handle new situations	to get marginal grades.  Feels  

				or challenges.				he/she will have trouble 

									balancing personal and Academic 

									life.  Avoids new challenges or 


2.  REALISTIC SELF-APPRAISAL	Appreciates and accepts rewards		Not sure how evaluations are done

				as well as consequences of poor		in school.  Overreacts to most

				performance. Understands that 		recent reinforcement (positive

				reinforcement is imperfect,		or negative), rather than			

				and does not overreact to		seeing it in a larger context.  

				to positive or negative			Does not know how he/she is doing

				feedback.  Has developed a		in class until grades are out. 			

				system of using feedback to		Does not have a good idea of how 

				alter behavior.				peers would rate his/her


3. UNDERSTANDS AND DEALS	Understands the role of the		Not sure how the "system" works.

    WITH RACISM			"system" in his/her life and		Preoccupied with racism or 		

				how it treats nontraditional 		does not feel racism exists. 

				persons, often unintentionally.		Blames others for problems.  

				Has developed a method of assessing	Reacts with same intensity to 

				the cultural/racial demands of 		large and small issues concerned 

				the system and responding		with race/culture.  Does not have 			

				accordingly; assertively, if the	a method of successfully handling

				gain is worth it, passively if		racism that does not interfere 

				the gain is small or the 		with personal and academic

				situation is ambiguous.  Does 		development.

				not blame others	 for his/her 

				problems or appear as a

				"Pollyanna" who does not see


4.  PREFERS LONG-RANGE TO	Can set goals and proceed for some	Lack of evidence of setting and	

     SHORT-TERM OR		time without reinforcement.  Shows	accomplishing goals.  Likely to

     IMMEDIATE NEEDS		patience.  Can see partial fulfillment	proceed without clear direction.

				of a longer term goal.  Is future and	Relies on others to determine

				past oriented, and does not just see	outcomes.  Lives in present.

				immediate issues or problems.  Shows	Does not have a "plan" for

				evidence of planning in academic and	approaching a course, school

				non-academic areas.			in general, an activity, etc.  

 				Goals which are stated 

 				are vague and unrealistic.

5.  AVAILABILITY OF STRONG	Has identified and received help,	No evidence of turning to others

      SUPPORT PERSON		support and encouragement from		for help.  No single support 

				one or more specific individuals.	person, mentor, or close advisor

				Does not rely solely on his/her		can be identified.  Does not talk Is                             

				not a "loner."  Willing to		he/she can handle things on

				admit that he/she needs help when	his/her own.  Access to previous

				appropriate.				support person may be reduced or

 									eliminated. Is not aware of the

 									importance of a support person.

6.  SUCCESSFUL LEADERSHIP	Has shown evidence of influencing	No evidence that others turn to

      EXPERIENCE		others in academic or non-academic	him/her for advice or direction.

				areas.  Comfortable providing		Non-assertive.  Does not take

				advice and direction to others.		initiative.  Overly cautious.

				Has served as mediator in disputes	Avoids controversy.  Not well

				or disagreements among colleagues.	known by peers.

 				Comfortable taking action where

				called for.		

7.  DEMONSTRATED COMMUNITY	Identified with a group which is	No involvement in cultural, 

     SERVICE			cultural, racial and/or geographic.	racial or geographical group or

				Has specific and long-term 		community.  Limited activities

				relationships in a community.  Has	of any kind.  Fringe member of

				been active in community activities	group(s).  Engages more in 

				over a period of time.  Has 		solitary rather than group

				accomplished specific goals in a	activities (academic or 

				community setting.			non-academic).

8.  KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED		Knows about a field or area that	Appears to know little about or

    IN A FIELD  		he/she has formally studied in  	areas he/she has not studied in

				school.  Has a non-traditional		school.  No evidence of learning

				possibly culturally or racially-	from community or non-academic

				biased view of a field.  Has		activities.  Traditional in

				developed innovative ways to		approach to learning.  Has not

				acquire information about a given	received credit-by-examination

				subject or field.			for courses.  Not aware of

									credit-by-examination possibilities.