Summer 1991
This questionnaire measures how people think and feel about a number of social and personal incidents and situations. It is not a test, so there are no right or wrong answers. The questionnaire is anonymous, so please DO NOT SIGN YOUR NAME.
Each item or situation is followed by 10 descriptive word scales. Your task is to select, for each descriptive scale, the rating which best describes YOUR feelings toward the item.
Sample item: Starting school this fall
happy A B C D E sad
You would indicate the direction and extent of your feelings, (e.g., you might select B) by indicating your choice (B) on your response sheet by blackening in the appropriate space for that word scale. DO NOT MARK ON THE BOOKLET. PLEASE RESPOND TO ALL WORD SCALES.
Sometimes you may feel as though you had the same item before on the questionnaire. This will not be the case, so DO NOT LOOK BACK AND FORTH through the items. Do not try to remember how you checked similar items earlier in the questionnaire. MAKE EACH ITEM A SEPARATE AND INDEPENDENT JUDGMENT. Respond as honestly as possible without puzzling over individual items. Respond with your first impression wherever possible.
SAS Form AA I. You are standing on a very crowded bus surrounded by many people. 1. fearful A B C D E secure 2. tolerable A B C D E intolerable 3. hostile A B C D E indifferent 4. important A B C D E trivial 5. conspicuous A B C D E inconspicuous 6. calm A B C D E anxious 7. indignant A B C D E understanding 8. comfortable A B C D E uncomfortable 9. hate A B C D E love 10. not resentful A B C D E resentful II. You are going on vacation with your best friend and his/her friend of the opposite sex. 11. aggressive A B C D E passive 12. happy A B C D E sad 13. tolerable A B C D E intolerable 14. complimented A B C D E insulted 15. angered A B C D E overjoyed 16. secure A B C D E fearful 17. hopeful A B C D E hopeless 18. excited A B C D E unexcited 19. right A B C D E wrong 20. disgusting A B C D E pleasing III. You are boarding a plane for a vacation in Florida, and two young men are boarding immediately behind you. 21. calm A B C D E fear 22. bad A B C D E good 23. safe A B C D E unsafe 24. happy A B C D E sad 25. tense A B C D E relaxed 26. fair A B C D E unfair 27. love A B C D E hate 28. trivial A B C D E important 29. suspicious A B C D E trusting 30. angry A B C D E not angry SAS Form AA IV. You are buying a used car from a salesman. 31. trust A B C D E mistrust 32. tense A B C D E relaxed 33. fair A B C D E unfair 34. bad A B C D E good 35. happy A B C D E sad 36. comfortable A B C D E uncomfortable 37. clean A B C D E dirty 38. angry A B C D E not angry 39. appropriate A B C D E inappropriate 40. surprised A B C D E not surprised V. You are watching a television news program about divorced fathers being given custody of their children. 41. empathy A B C D E no empathy 42. happy A B C D E sad 43. fear A B C D E calm 44. trivial A B C D E important 45. logical A B C D E illogical 46. comfortable A B C D E uncomfortable 47. love A B C D E hate 48. shocked A B C D E expected 49. safe A B C D E unsafe 50. good A B C D E bad VI. You are required to attend a religious service for a school research project. 51. fear A B C D E calm 52. strange A B C D E natural 53. sad A B C D E happy 54. good A B C D E bad 55. interesting A B C D E uninteresting 56. logical A B C D E illogical 57. suspicious A B C D E not suspicious 58. bizarre A B C D E normal 59. reasonable A B C D E unreasonable 60. love A B C D E hate SAS Form AA VII. You notice a student cheating on an exam. 61. expected A B C D E unexpected 62. disgusting A B C D E not disgusting 63. fair A B C D E unfair 64. calm A B C D E fear 65. negative A B C D E positive 66. happy A B C D E sad 67. angry A B C D E not angry 68. normal A B C D E not normal 69. hope A B C D E hopeless 70. shocked A B C D E not shocked VIII. You see a group of students staging an on-campus demonstration against discrimination. 71. bad A B C D E good 72. understanding A B C D E indifferent 73. suspicious A B C D E trusting 74. safe A B C D E unsafe 75. disturbed A B C D E undisturbed 76. justified A B C D E unjustified 77. tense A B C D E calm 78. hate A B C D E love 79. wrong A B C D E right 80. humorous A B C D E serious IX. You hear of a student getting financial aid. 81. surprise A B C D E no surprise 82. fair A B C D E unfair 83. reasonable A B C D E unreasonable 84. good A B C D E bad 85. sad A B C D E happy 86. angry A B C D E calm 87. not shocked A B C D E shocked 88. unexpected A B C D E expected 89. positive A B C D E negative 90. serious A B C D E not serious SAS Form AA X. A new person joins your social group. 91. warm A B C D E cold 92. sad A B C D E happy 93. superior A B C D E inferior 94. threatened A B C D E neutral 95. pleased A B C D E displeased 96. understanding A B C D E indifferent 97. suspicious A B C D E trusting 98. disappointed A B C D E elated 99. favorable A B C D E unfavorable 100. uncomfortable A B C D E comfortable 101. Blacken in the appropriate box to indicate your sex A Female B Male 102. Blacken in the appropriate box to indicate your age: A under 17 years old B 17 years old C 18 years old D 19 years old E over 19 years old 103. The racial or ethnic group to which you belong is: A Black (African-American) B White (not of Hispanic origin) C Asian (Pacific Islander) D American Indian (Alaskan native) E Hispanic (Latin American) 104. Are you an Arab or of Arab descent? A Yes B = No 105. Blacken in the appropriate box to indicate your religion or religious preference: A Catholic B Jewish C Protestant D Islamic E Other SAS Form AA 106. Blacken in the appropriate box to indicate your father's occupation. Father's Occupation: Which of the following comes closes to describing your father's occupation? Mark only one answer. If he works on more than one job, make the most important one. If he is temporarily unemployed, deceased, or if he is retired, mark the one he held last. If your father never held a formal job, leave the item blank. A. Professional - such as clergyman, dentist, doctor, engineer, lawyer, professor, scientist, teacher, etc. B Semi-professional - such as accountant, airplane pilot, actor, armed forces office, medical technician, musician, writer, librarian, artist, dental technician, engineering aid, etc. Manager - Proprietor-Executive - such as sales manager, store manager, owner of small business, factory supervisor, wholesaler, retailer, contractor, restaurant owner, manufacturer, banker, official in a large company, government official, etc. C Salesperson - such as life insurance, real estate or industrial goods salesperson, etc. Clerical Worker - such as sales clerk, office clerk, bookkeeper, ticket agent, etc. D Skilled worker or foreman/forewoman - such as baker, carpenter, plasterer, electrician, mechanic, plumber, tailor, foreman, forewoman, etc. Farm or ranch owner or manager. E Service or Protective - such as armed forces enlistee or non-commissioned officer, barber, beautician, bus driver, fire-fighter, police officer, waiter/waitress, etc. 107. The father's occupation above represents: A = full time work B = part-time work 108. Mother's occupation - please use the same options found in question 106 to describe your mother's occupation. If your mother never held a formal job, leave the item blank. 109. The mother's occupation described above represents: A = full time work B = part-time work
This questionnaire measures how people think and feel about a number of social and personal incidents and situations. It is not a test, so there are no right or wrong answers. The questionnaire is anonymous, so please DO NOT SIGN YOUR NAME.
Each item or situation is followed by 10 descriptive word scales. Your task is to select, for each descriptive scale, the rating which best describes YOUR feelings toward the item.
Sample item: Starting school this fall
happy A B C D E sad
You would indicate the direction and extent of your feelings, (e.g., you might select B) by indicating your choice (B) on your response sheet by blackening in the appropriate space for that word scale. DO NOT MARK ON THE BOOKLET. PLEASE RESPOND TO ALL WORD SCALES.
Sometimes you may feel as though you had the same item before on the questionnaire. This will not be the case, so DO NOT LOOK BACK AND FORTH through the items. Do not try to remember how you checked similar items earlier in the questionnaire. MAKE EACH ITEM A SEPARATE AND INDEPENDENT JUDGMENT. Respond as honestly as possible without puzzling over individual items. Respond with your first impression wherever possible.
SAS Form BA I. You are standing on a very crowded bus surrounded by many Arab people. 1. fearful A B C D E secure 2. tolerable A B C D E intolerable 3. hostile A B C D E indifferent 4. important A B C D E trivial 5. conspicuous A B C D E inconspicuous 6. calm A B C D E anxious 7. indignant A B C D E understanding 8. comfortable A B C D E uncomfortable 9. hate A B C D E love 10. not resentful A B C D E resentful II. You are going on vacation with your best friend and his/her Arab friend of the opposite sex. 11. aggressive A B C D E passive 12. happy A B C D E sad 13. tolerable A B C D E intolerable 14. complimented A B C D E insulted 15. angered A B C D E overjoyed 16. secure A B C D E fearful 17. hopeful A B C D E hopeless 18. excited A B C D E unexcited 19. right A B C D E wrong 20. disgusting A B C D E pleasing III. You are boarding a plane for a vacation in Florida, and two young Arab men are boarding immediately behind you. 21. calm A B C D E fear 22. bad A B C D E good 23. safe A B C D E unsafe 24. happy A B C D E sad 25. tense A B C D E relaxed 26. fair A B C D E unfair 27. love A B C D E hate 28. trivial A B C D E important 29. suspicious A B C D E trusting 30. angry A B C D E not angry SAS Form BA IV. You are buying a used car from an Arab salesman. 31. trust A B C D E mistrust 32. tense A B C D E relaxed 33. fair A B C D E unfair 34. bad A B C D E good 35. happy A B C D E sad 36. comfortable A B C D E uncomfortable 37. clean A B C D E dirty 38. angry A B C D E not angry 39. appropriate A B C D E inappropriate 40. surprised A B C D E not surprised V. You are watching a television news program about divorced Arab fathers being given custody of their children. 41. empathy A B C D E no empathy 42. happy A B C D E sad 43. fear A B C D E calm 44. trivial A B C D E important 45. logical A B C D E illogical 46. comfortable A B C D E uncomfortable 47. love A B C D E hate 48. shocked A B C D E expected 49. safe A B C D E unsafe 50. good A B C D E bad VI. You are required to attend an Islamic religious service for a school research project. 51. fear A B C D E calm 52. strange A B C D E natural 53. sad A B C D E happy 54. good A B C D E bad 55. interesting A B C D E uninteresting 56. logical A B C D E illogical 57. suspicious A B C D E not suspicious 58. bizarre A B C D E normal 59. reasonable A B C D E unreasonable 60. love A B C D E hate SAS Form BA VII. You notice an Arab student cheating on an exam. 61. expected A B C D E unexpected 62. disgusting A B C D E not disgusting 63. fair A B C D E unfair 64. calm A B C D E fear 65. negative A B C D E positive 66. happy A B C D E sad 67. angry A B C D E not angry 68. normal A B C D E not normal 69. hope A B C D E hopeless 70. shocked A B C D E not shocked VIII. You see a group of Arab students staging an on-campus demonstration against discrimination. 71. bad A B C D E good 72. understanding A B C D E indifferent 73. suspicious A B C D E trusting 74. safe A B C D E unsafe 75. disturbed A B C D E undisturbed 76. justified A B C D E unjustified 77. tense A B C D E calm 78. hate A B C D E love 79. wrong A B C D E right 80. humorous A B C D E serious IX. You hear of an Arab student getting financial aid. 81. surprise A B C D E no surprise 82. fair A B C D E unfair 83. reasonable A B C D E unreasonable 84. good A B C D E bad 85. sad A B C D E happy 86. angry A B C D E calm 87. not shocked A B C D E shocked 88. unexpected A B C D E expected 89. positive A B C D E negative 90. serious A B C D E not serious SAS Form BA X. A new Arab person joins your social group. 91. warm A B C D E cold 92. sad A B C D E happy 93. superior A B C D E inferior 94. threatened A B C D E neutral 95. pleased A B C D E displeased 96. understanding A B C D E indifferent 97. suspicious A B C D E trusting 98. disappointed A B C D E elated 99. favorable A B C D E unfavorable 100. uncomfortable A B C D E comfortable 101. Blacken in the appropriate box to indicate your sex A Female B Male 102. Blacken in the appropriate box to indicate your age: A under 17 years old B 17 years old C 18 years old D 19 years old E over 19 years old 103. The racial or ethnic group to which you belong is: A Black (African-American) B White (not of Hispanic origin) C Asian (Pacific Islander) D American Indian (Alaskan native) E Hispanic (Latin American) 104. Are you an Arab or of Arab descent? A Yes B No 105. Blacken in the appropriate box to indicate your religion or religious preference: A Catholic B Jewish C Protestant D Islamic E Other SAS Form BA 106. Blacken in the appropriate box to indicate your father's occupation. Father's Occupation: Which of the following comes closes to describing your father's occupation? Mark only one answer. If he works on more than one job, make the most important one. If he is temporarily unemployed, deceased, or if he is retired, mark the one he held last. If your father never held a formal job, leave the item blank. A Professional - such as clergyman, dentist, doctor, engineer, lawyer, professor, scientist, teacher, etc. B Semi-professional - such as accountant, airplane pilot, actor, armed forces office, medical technician, musician, writer, librarian, artist, dental technician, engineering aid, etc. Manager-Proprietor-Executive - such as sales manager, store manager, owner of small business, factory supervisor, wholesaler, retailer, contractor, restaurant owner, manufacturer, banker, official in a large company, government official, etc. C Salesperson - such as life insurance, real estate or industrial goods salesperson, etc. Clerical Worker - such as sales clerk, office clerk, bookkeeper, ticket agent, etc. D Skilled worker or foreman/forewoman - such as baker, carpenter, plasterer, electrician, mechanic, plumber, tailor, foreman, forewoman, etc. Farm or ranch owner or manager. E Service or Protective - such as armed forces enlistee or non-commissioned officer, barber, beautician, bus driver, fire-fighter, police officer, waiter/waitress, etc. 107. The father's occupation above represents: A full time work B part-time work 108. Mother's occupation - please use the same options found in question 106 to describe your mother's occupation. If your mother never held a formal job, leave the item blank. 109. The mother's occupation described above represents: A full time work B part-time work